Have a question? We have answers!

Here you will find answers to questions we get asked a lot. If you need any more information, shoot us an email.

  • Edmonton sure is a hungry town, because we get asked this question more than any other.

    One of our main goals at Spilt is to help cement the correlation between mocktails and the culinary arts. We believe that mocktails are food, and our recipes are often as lovingly crafted by our creative team as a soup or a complex sauce made from scratch.

    That being said, our space is only 300 square feet, total. There is no hidden kitchen in the back, what you see is what you get at Spilt. This means that we won’t be serving full plated meals.

    You can, however, order delivery to the bar and snack on whatever you like!

  • This is an interesting question, and one that has been coming up frequently as we get ready to open. After all, everybody loves to be served a beautiful drink in a fancy glass, and kiddos are no exception.

    We’ve been giving it a lot of thought and our answer is: yes, absolutely! But with these considerations in mind:

    • Spilt is a bar environment, where people come for grown-up enjoyment. Ask yourself, would I bring my child to a dinner party where there are no other kids and conversation is the main activity, and would it be an enjoyable experience for everybody present? If the answer is yes, then bring them!

    • Spilt is an un-censored environment, with some slightly racy artwork and unbleeped music. Our customers tend to be very respectful, but conversations may have adult themes or language. If you’re cool with your kid being exposed to all of these things, then bring them!

    • Spilt is a cozy space, where little ones are likely to get tripped over if they are set free. If your kiddo is big (or small) enough to not to get underfoot, or you are confident you can keep them from wandering, then bring them! Strollers will need to be parked outside, however we will have some patio seating available.

    • Our shelves are full of breakable things that are toddler-height. If you’re just stopping by to grab some retail items or to-go drinks and have more energetic little ones with you, it’s no problem, just be ready to keep them close.

    Basically, if you are looking for a family-friendly space to have a parent meet-up while the kiddos play together, Spilt may not be the right fit. But if you are taking your small human on a special date for some quality one-on-one time, we would be delighted to be part of your outing.

  • Spilt is a grand total of 300 square feet. It's a cozy space that can seat 12 people and fit around 20 folks including standing room. In the summer months we have an additional six outdoor seats and will be expanding this next year. So, keep that in mind if you're looking to book large gatherings.

  • Our patio is cozy, having only three small tables, so doggos need to be leashed up and attentively parented at all times, but by all means bring them by next time you’re out walking the promenade. We will be happy to come out and serve you on the patio, and will have lots of pats and fresh water ready for your four-legged friends.

    Is it possible that down the line we may have a puptini on the menu for your best girls and boys? Stay tuned to find out...